What you Need to Know About the Woodland Carbon Code

As greenhouse gases carry on impacting our climate, we have to consider how we can use it to help compensate for the emissions that are responsible for this change. The many benefits of woodland creation are already well known; this includes flood prevention, enhancing biodiversity and the many health benefits our green spaces provide, but we mustn’t overlook their ability to store carbon. They don’t just soak up carbon dioxide but also remove it from our atmosphere and slow the changes to our climate.

Taking this into consideration, here in this blog, we explore the woodland carbon code explaining what it is and give you a few benefits of the carbon woodland itself.

What exactly is the Woodland Carbon Code?

The Woodland Carbon Code began in 2011 and is the UK’s government-backed standard for woodland carbon projects. It offers the mechanism for landowners to attract carbon funding to back woodland creation projects on their owned land. It is based on researched carbon prediction tools and monitoring protocols developed by Forest Research. Projects are verified, and carbon units held in a credible registry.

How does this apply to me?

Creating woodland with the Woodland Carbon Code allows you to sell the carbon units from your woodland. As buyers of this carbon want to be assured of the amount of carbon sequestration that has been or will be achieved, the Woodland Carbon Code provides the standard and checks for measuring it robustly.

For you to sign up to the Woodland Carbon Code and sell carbon from your woodland creation project, you have to make sure you are eligible. In order to do so, register within two years of the planting being started and validate your project within three years of registering. You will also need to check your project after a period of five and following this, every ten years. This is to oversee the progress and have the carbon sequestered to date independently verified.

What Are the Main Benefits of a Carbon Woodland?

Biodiversity is boosted

Forest Carbon schemes cover six types of priority woodland which are identified in the UK’s Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP). These projects meet the UK Forestry Standard which focuses on biodiversity.

Woods provide outdoor recreation

The Forestry Commission estimates there are over 350 million recreational visits per annum to forests and woodlands across the UK.

The landscape is enhanced

Studies have indicated that woodlands have a hugely beneficial impact on individuals and communities. They also have a dampening effect on traffic noise.

They trap CO2

our woodlands support the UK in meeting its international climate change commitments.

Trees improve air quality

Woodlands help to clean the air by trapping harmful dust particles and absorb the gases such as sulphur dioxide and ozone. They regulate water quality and supply: Woodlands can reduce soil erosion, stabilise river banks, reduce pollution and mitigate flooding.

Here at Woodland Creation Scotland, our team are experienced and have successfully taken woodland creation schemes which gives confidence to the purchasers and a financial return to the owner. To find out more about the various services we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today, we’d be happy to help.

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